
Queue Management

Instantly re-organise your workforce to match the workflow

Queue Management

Maximise efficiency with queue management

Queue Management is where your resourcing comes together with the activity of your contact centre agents, allowing you to allocate your people to specific call queues.

Maximise contact centre efficiency and manage the workflow to ensure that your agents are fully utilised across outbound and inbound call centre activities.

Queue Management

Create and edit queues seamlessly through the Admin Console

Agents & Teams

Assign agents and teams to queues including any outbound campaign you are running or pick up groups for inbound calls

Completely Customisable

Set caller ID for each queue/campaign, abandoned call messages and your data selection mode

Easy Configuration

Configure the basic dialler settings for each queue, specify dial timeout, target abandonment rate and more


Custom Dispositions

Agents mark the outcome of calls using custom disposition buttons. Label and colour custom disposition buttons in whatever scheme you prefer to make them easily identifiable, automate an action or record a datapoint.

Campaign Analysis

Analyse how your campaigns and agents are performing by reporting the statistics that matter to you. Get a real-time view of campaign sales, and percentages of voicemail hits, abandoned calls, calls per day and more.

Regulate DNCs

Keep ‘Do Not Contact’ (DNC) lists up to date through Quvu’s simple Upload DNC function, preventing you from calling numbers you shouldn't. Specify numbers on a per campaign or queue basis, or across all campaigns.

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