9th March 2023

Maximising sales call conversion rates with Quvu

Are you above or below the average stats?

There are many statistics generated by outbound call campaigning carried out by contact centres. If it generates a data point in a VoIP contact centre system, then some analytics for it can be pulled out through reporting.

Perhaps some of the most important contact centre stats relate to conversion. Data from various sources swilling around the wild web suggests these might be typical average performance metrics relating to sales conversion resulting from contact centre campaigning:

  • Contact centre sales agents need to make 6 to 8 phone calls per prospect to have a successful cold call conversion rate
  • It requires 18 attempts to connect and convert a lead into a qualified opportunity
  • The average company closes on about 20% of its leads, and a good company closes on about 30%

However, every company is different and if you happen to run outbound campaigns yourself, you are likely to have ideas on averages, based on your own experience. You might be well above or far below the stats above.

Whatever the metrics attached to how your business performs, to maximise the performance of your sales agents and give your business the best chance of hitting great conversion rates, it’s worth making sure you’ve got these covered with Quvu.

3 essential steps to maximise conversion rates

Join up your lead management dots

Research indicates that only between 13-20% of leads are ready to buy when making an inbound inquiry. Warm these leads up with drip social media, email marketing, or direct mail activity. If the first few calls fail to produce the sale, using structured and integrated marketing activity helps to maintain interest and prevent the lead from going cold.

Full integration of marketing activity and lead management using CRM is the only way to go. Quvu integrates with popular CRM tools including Salesforce, Sugar and Zoho, allowing you to join up lead management with your outbound campaigning process.

Equip agents with full lead contact history

Equip your sales agent with the full contact history for each lead, including inbound inquiries, sales calls, marketing activity, responses to marketing and any previous order history or customer service contact. With the profile of each lead at their fingertips, your sales agents maximise the ability to close by having detailed information to fully explore and understand the needs of each prospect on every call.

Integration with your favourite CRM lets your outbound call agents see the entire contact history attached to the numbers that are answering your outbound calls. As soon as pick up of your call is detected, a pop-up delivers the information that maximises the chances of your agent closing the sale.

Don’t let sales agents get caught without things to say

Script your calls effectively. Sales agents without the right tools can find themselves caught in awkward silence, stuck for words, or repeating themselves over and over again. Different prospects may require different handling. Or the call’s direction may change based on responses to questions. Scripting all of your calls focuses on the purpose of each call and keeps the conversation moving towards the sale.

Quvu lets your agents deliver the right messages. Quvu helps you create and develop compliant call scripts, as well as test and refine them, so your sales agents have a better chance of turning prospects into customers.

Better contact centre operations with Quvu

Quvu isn’t just for outbound campaigning and lead management. It is designed as a hybrid contact centre solution, allowing you to manage inbound calls alongside your outbound operations and manage your teams of agents working remotely as a distributed workforce.

Why not book a personalised demo to see what Quvu can do for your contact centre?

Simply call us on 03333 4455 90 or email sales@quvu.co.uk

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